for services provided
Fees for the provision of legal services are set by an agreement (contractual remuneration) between the attorney and the client based on hourly rate per hour of time spent.
In certain cases, especially when the work load of the attorney´s performance can be estimated in advance, contractual cap fee can be agreed, i.e. fixed fee shall be paid for the acts performed within the provided legal service.
VAT shall be added in statutory amount.
In addition, necessary expenses associated with the provided legal service (e.g. travelling expenses, court and administrative charges, translations and expert opinions) will charged separately.
In case of representation in judicial, arbitral, administrative or other similar proceeding, the remuneration shall be increased by the amount declared by the court as the compensation of the client´s representation costs according the respective laws.
In the absence of an agreed commission between the client and the attorney, the amount of ex-contractual remuneration adheres to the decree of the Ministry of Justice no. 177/1996 Coll. on commission and compensations of attorneys at law for the provision of legal services (legal counsel tariff) as amended.
In case of new client appropriate advance payment can be requested